September 16, 2015 • Event •
On 14 July, a nuclear agreement was reached between Iran and the P5+1 partners. Since then, it is a parliamentary battle between President Obama and the Congress, which is under Republican control. The Congress threatens to reject the deal at first pass, which will lead President Obama to pledge to veto the resolution, meaning that opponents would then need to corral a two-thirds majority of both chambers to override the president and kill the deal.
But behind this battle, what are the geopolitical visions that oppose? Which are the risks and the benefits we should get from this deal? While the US primary elections to run for presidency (for 2016) are about to begin, will the United States make a major change in their strategy? Which evolution should we expect in Middle East, especially in the fight against Daesh?
To talk about it, the Thomas More Institute is pleased to invite you to discuss and exchange with:
President of American Security Project, member of the Secretary Kerry’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board, President of McLarty Associates
National Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University (California, USA)
Restaurant Le Procope | 13, rue de l’Ancienne Comédie | 75 006 Paris
Registration required
Contribution : 35 euros
Reduction : 20 euros
See details on the invitation