The EMU Sovereign Debt Crisis · Time for a Bold New Initiative!

Paul Goldschmidt, member of the Advisory Board of the Thomas More, former Director at the European Commission

November, 17, 2010 • Tribune 29 •

In the face of increasing tensions in financial markets, it has become urgent to reinforce the crisis resolution mechanisms to deal with potential default/restructurings of the sovereign debt of EU Member States. Paul Goldschmidt, member of the Advisory Board of the Thomas More institute, reacts to the recent analysis of the Bruegel Institute and makes a series of bold proposals calling for greater flexibility in the EMU accession criteria, a revision of ECB mandate and governance, a single representation of the EU at the International Monetary Fund and the integration of the recently created European Financial Stability Fund into the European Investment Bank Group. A stimulating contribution to a debate that Europe can no longer afford to ignore…